How to Calm Nerves Before Your Talk

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Feeling nervous before a presentation is entirely normal, and there are several strategies you can use to manage your nerves and exude confidence. Here are some quick tips to help you prepare in the 15 minutes before your important talk or public presentation:


Distance Gazing

Take a minute to soften your gaze and gently shift your focus to something in a distant background. Shifting your focus from close-up tasks to distant objects can help relax your eyes and reduce stress. By broadening your visual field, you can calm your nervous system and alleviate anxiety.

Deep Breathing

Take a few moments for deep, slow breaths. Inhale deeply through your nose, hold for a couple of seconds, and exhale slowly through your mouth. Deep breathing can help calm your nerves and center your focus.


Positive Affirmations

Remind yourself of your strengths and the value of the information you present. Repeat positive affirmations to boost your confidence, such as, "I am well-prepared, and I have valuable insights to share."


Power Pose

Strike a power pose for a minute or two. Stand tall, with your chest open and your hands on your hips. This can help boost your confidence and reduce stress.


Visualize Success

Take a moment to visualize a successful presentation. Picture the audience nodding in agreement, engaging with your content, and acknowledging your expertise. Visualization can help shift your mindset positively.


Review Key Points

Quickly review the key points of your presentation. Remind yourself of the structure and flow. Confidence often comes from knowing your material well.


Remind Yourself of Your Purpose

Remember why you are presenting — to share valuable information and insights. Focus on the value you bring to the table and the positive impact your presentation can have.


Focus on the Message, Not Yourself

Shift your focus away from yourself and onto the message you're delivering. Concentrate on the value and importance of the content rather than on your nervousness.



Smiling can help relax your facial muscles and convey a positive demeanor. It also creates a more welcoming atmosphere for both you and your audience.


Stretch and Move

Do a few quick stretches to release tension in your body. Movement can help alleviate nervous energy and improve your overall sense of well-being.


Accept Nervousness

Acknowledge that it's okay to feel nervous. Nervousness is a natural response, and accepting it rather than fighting it can make it more manageable.


Water Break

Take a sip of water to hydrate and soothe your throat. This simple action can pause briefly and help you collect your thoughts.


Remind Yourself of Past Successes

Recall previous presentations or situations where you successfully communicated your ideas. Reminding yourself of your past successes can bolster your confidence.


Quick Mindfulness Exercise

Practice a brief mindfulness exercise to center yourself and bring your focus to the present moment. This can involve paying attention to your breath or noticing the sensations in your body. Try taking in a deep breath for four counts, holding for four counts, and exhaling for four counts. Repeat for four counts.


Trust Your Preparation

Trust that you have prepared well. You've spent time creating your slides and organizing your thoughts. Confidence often comes from being well-prepared.

Remember that feeling a bit nervous is okay; it's a sign that you care about your presentation. Use these quick strategies to manage your nerves and exude confidence as you start your presentation. Good luck!


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