A One-Minute Deep Breathing Exercise

Photo Source: Unsplash

When experiencing a situation that challenges our confidence, it can be helpful to have some techniques in your toolbox to help you regain your perspective. Here's a simple one-minute deep breathing exercise you can do to help ground you in your confidence:


Find a Comfortable Position

Sit or stand in a comfortable and upright position. Ensure your back is straight and your shoulders are relaxed.


Close Your Eyes (Optional)

If you feel comfortable, close your eyes to help minimize external distractions and focus your attention inward.


Inhale Slowly

Inhale deeply and slowly through your nose. Feel your lungs expanding as you breathe in, and allow your abdomen to rise. Count silently to four as you inhale.


Hold Your Breath

Hold your breath for a moment at the top of your inhale. Count silently to two.


Exhale Slowly

Exhale slowly and completely through your mouth. Feel your abdomen fall as you exhale. Count silently to four as you exhale.


Pause Before Inhaling Again

After exhaling, pause for a moment before starting the next breath cycle. This momentary pause adds a natural rhythm to the exercise.


Repeat for One Minute

Continue this deep breathing pattern for one minute. Focus on the sensation of your breath, and let go of any tension with each exhale.


Open Your Eyes (If Closed)

If your eyes are closed, open them when you feel ready.


Remember to maintain a relaxed and steady pace throughout the exercise. Deep breathing can help activate your body's relaxation response, reduce stress, and center your focus. It's a simple yet effective way to calm your nerves before a presentation.


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